Wednesday, September 20, 2006

" We'll drink your beer, and F* your mom, cause speechly Hall is number 1" lol

So I kinda suck at this blogging stuff, it's just really hard to sit down and write everything. Plus It seems that anything I have to write about will only be interesting to me, it feels like I have so much I could write about but at the same time it feels like I have nothing lol.
So on friday Alyssa went home for the weekend and I was all alone, well not really I just hung out with Jay and Corey all weekend ( scott went home too). I also got to hang out with new people, who are now kinda in our little group, Sara and Brianna ( who I will try and get pictures of). So on friday night we were all hanging out in Jays room when I got a call from mark saying he was in winnipeg. That I should come let him in. So i did i was like thats pretty cool. BUT then he wanted me to help him get to his friend Rachelles room, so we did and the gears in my head slowly turned for me to realise duuhhhh hes not here for you retard! So I made small talk with them for a little while and then made an excuse to leave, feeling extrememly cheap and stupid. So I went back and hung out with jay and them for the rest of the night, nothing overly eventful happened for the rest of the night.
The next day mark started texting me before we went to the spirit cup football game. I asked if he was still at rachelles and he laughed and said no but then a little while later he texted me and said that He and Rachelle were just old friends nothing more ( which did make me feel a little better lol)
So we went to spirit cup which was fun ( crappy football gae but lots of fun) it was like all the residents against eachother, and we had cheers lol ours was "we can drink, and we can F*** but we don't think, That thats enough, So we'll drink your beer, and F*** your mom, cause speechly hall, Is number one" Pretty crazy and I felt a little bad cause there was a bunch of little kids around lol. Every house was jeering the other one it was lots of fun.
So skip to that night there was the MArdi Gras social, lol me and Brianna got a butt load of beads and we didnt even show any skin ( there was some boy stuff that occured here but ill write that later today or else this blog would go on forever) We just went around offering two kisses on the cheek at once ;)~ it worked very well, but I'll continue this later cause I have to go to class.
Miss u guys lots talk to you all later,

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