Monday, October 06, 2008

time for a change

SO (i like how i start the majority of these with SO lol) ever since i got to rez this year( realistically since i moved to rez my first year lol) I have felt for lack of better words fat. And the fact that the first two weeks we were here we ate little more then pizza did not help, and since then it has just been getting worse daily. I just watched this video on face book of a friends friend who weighted 270 pounds and decided it was time for him to lose some weight and he did this eight week challenge where he worked out hard was really impressive, i think he ended up losing 30 pounds in eight weeks which is super intense. I dont wan to be that extreme but i want to weigh 135 ( unrealistically i would not complain at 130, but trying to be realistic 135 is ideal), i havent weighed myself in about two weeks but i think i am in the 145-150 range.
Biggest reasons for current weight gain are pretty obvious eating crummy food to the extreme and not going to the gym. SO after watching this guy video journal his challenge im going to attempt to blog my challenge which isnt very extreme at all but ill try it the moment i cant fully commit cause i just dont have time, which i realize is an excuse but i just don't so im going to focus on better eating for the first while.....i did really well yesterday but not so great today.... Here i go-goal for tomorrow, hmmm..... start candy, which seems like not a big deal but i have the worst sweet tooth ever so here goes nothing....starting my week challenge which if i can do that ill move on to smaller better things hehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok so i think i already told u this but get some self confidence!!! UR beautiful. just go to the gym and don't worry about what u eat. U'll be fine. oh and i love ur wall in the pic.
Love lil' sis