Sunday, October 26, 2008

pressin on pressin on...

hey chicka so thought i should fill u in on my life since i havent written for a while....
BOYS: i've decieded that I can't have a boy and stay focused on school so although i wouldnt push a boy away im really not looking or putting effort into finding one either...this said i still have moments of o wouldnt it be nice to have someone to cuddle with but ya whatever SCHOOL FIRST!!
ME: so i sorta need a gym buddy to keep me responsible u know what i mean cause lately i just eat eat eat and i've always believed that someone who wants to lose weight just has to say im going to go to the gym and eat less but lately i've just ate ate ate and started a protest against gym going so i need u to keep me responsible...i feel so out of control right now where as when i was going to the gym early every morning i just felt better about myself ....and therefor better about life and whatnot......i just feel like a tired blob not saying im fat ( although that is how i feel) im just saying i want to get in control please be my gym buddy and give me a hard time about eating right and going to the gym please!!!
other then that im boring and feel like a failure at school....see ur not the only one who feels that ways sometimes, u just have to realize and i do that sometimes u get down, i find it happens the most in fall cause there is less sun and what not so yes just "pressin on pressin on, cause I'm done with that, I wont take this anymore......."lol yes yes
had soup for dinner today and it was possibly the best meal i've had in a long time ...but back to studying might write more laters...night


Anonymous said...

so ive decided we r too much a like cause ive been doing the whole eat, eat, don't go to the gym, eat

Anonymous said...

im really jealous about the whole candy thing...tear.. noone would go out with me so I couldn't get any.

Anonymous said...

i like sex, its nice