Tuesday, August 22, 2006

oooo shiny things!!

K so I thought I'd try this blog thing, partly just so i could leave a comment on jodi's blog, but also partly cause I'm going to University this fall and this way i can fill you guys in on my undoubtedly exciting life lol. So here it goes although, I wouldn't be suprised if it was short lived cause I do tend to have a bit of a short attention span. I started a piczo or whatever its called and didn't post one pic!! So i'll try really hard to keep this updated. SO I guess I should start by describing myself or something. I'm 5'8 maybe 9 if I ever stood up straight , I have the worst posture ever! I have long brown hair, gray eyes, big feet and even bigger hands. Other then that i don't really have anything to remark upoun. I guess I'm supposed to write about my life and what I did today as well so here is the exciting day I've had thus far. I started by going to the farm and helping moe the swather to the feild we were starting and helping open the feild and take samples to pioneer ect, and thats pretty much how my day went. Are you jealous yet?? That's pretty much it. The other day I went to my friend ashley's party. It was lots of fun. But I ate way to much lol especially her moms cookies, yummm. But it's time I stopped boring you ( who ever you happen to be lol), hopefully the next one will be more exciting!!

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