Monday, September 29, 2008

studying.....dos and donts

k so here is what works for me obviously it may not work for u but here it goes anyways....
Figure out when u calm down, i personally calm down at night and my first year i practically would get nothing done till after 10:30, i would sit around all day trying to study but would only become efficient between the hours of 10:30 and 3am......although lately i have kinda trained myself to be more effective, I go to class from 9:30-12, and then sometimes have lunch if im hungry, but either way i dont go back to my room if i can avoid it, i even try to avoid lunch and prefer to pick up a to go bag cause after i sit with people or go to my room i am completely out of study i go straight from class to a study area, like today i went to the green house cafe and sat in a corner by myself with a coffee and just gaver...and read 30 pages in two hours which isnt that fast but people kept texting me so im pretty happy with that.
TURN YOUR CELLPHONE ON SILENT OR OFF.....i know it seems like u can concentrate and text at the same time, u can't so give it up lol if u have to have it on then turn it on silent and leave it on the desk but if i were u i would just leave it on silent in ur bag where u cant see it and check it later,....realistically there is never going to be a huge crisis u need to respond to on the other hand their might so i just leave it on silent on the table...this goes for class too....i know u think u absorb it just by being in class again nice try.....If u've hauled yourself out of bed to go to class then BE IN CLASS, turn off ur phone , focus on ur prof it will safe u time later when u dont have to read the book cause u werent listening in class
so ya i like to study from (my classes end 12:30 ish) to four or five depending on attention span.....then take an hour to do something with out ur mind...facebook if u have to just relax for a bit ( sometimes u dont get this privilage but while its not CRAM CRAM time take the hour to destress and absorb what u've studied) then have supper with friends, also helps to destress ( ps DO NOT THINK WOW I'VE STUDIED LOTS THEREFOR I WILL REWARD MYSELF WITH PIZZA AND CHOCOLATE classic mistake just dont lol, if u need to reward urself then reward ur self with more relaxing time)
Then i go to another place to study, i try to change it up subject if i can, but not always possible , but definatly location , cant really explain it just helps reboot
Water is also really helpful!....Snacks are hit and miss for me i mean i love snacks but i eat them just cause they are there not cause im hungry so i tend to stay away from them when possible....but speaking of supper i have to go with fiona now so i will finish this after...laters

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