Wednesday, November 29, 2006


So this is what i've noticed lately, not that i hadnt noticed before just a little more than usual that girls are obessed with not only boys but having a boyfriend. I know its not really a newsflash worthy statement but i have more. What i want to know is when did it become more important to have a boyfriend then to be respected. When did it become so painly uncool to be single that its became better to be with a guy, even if hes uses and abuses you, then to just be SINGLE!!!!
I understand the want to have a boyfriend, believe me, I've only been single since i was born pretty much lol. but is it really that bad to be a single??? I mean sure you see all your friends with their boyfriends and they're all cuddly and cute, which is desirable of course. And im not saying its bad to have a boyfriend either I just want to understand why its so amazingly horrible to be single.
I think everyone has to be single and happy before they can truely be with a guy. You need to figure out who you are and ur likes and dislikes before you can be a good girlfriend. Im not even so sure where im going with this anymore, just that im sick of seeing my friends get hurt by guys. Your all great girls and you need to learn to really respect your selves. STOP letting these boys play with your minds!! You all deserve the world and a prince who understands that and will treat you STOP putting up with these BOYS who treat you otherwise. No matter how bad you feel being single, orlike no one loves you or any of those other silly feelings, im sure you feel much cheaper, and more worthless when you allow yourself to be with someone not worthy of you, who treats you like crap and thinks only of them selves.
Im not telling u to be all uppity or that your better than everyone else, just that don't let those boys fool you that your not worthy and your lucky to be with them sorta thing.
Ya, i went away for supper and now my rant has ended and i dont know where to go with it anymore so stay cool, but not too cool, see you all soon.


Allison said...

i totally agree!! its so true, yet so many people dont realize it! I think you should have also mentioned something about not pressuring your friends into going out with someone, just because you think it would work. If they don't want to go out with the guy, leave them alone!

yea thats my rant for the day,

Michele said...

:S isn't it working?

katryn said...

Omg i totally agree!! i Love being single! Its hard to believe what i was missing out on haha well ive been signle since august and so far ive been just fine without a boyfriend! although you know hwne you lonely and you just want to have some one its kinda hard but MeH! Life goes on pple! lol
thats my rant lol haha later

Allison said...

what do you mean isn't it working, chele?

Kaitlan said...

ya what's not working??

x valerie-anne said...

New Blog URL

Michele said...

just from your post.. it seems like you're saying that its not working or something

Allison said...

hmm no, thats not what i was saying... atleast not with my current relationship

Anonymous said...

Hey Kaitlan WOAH u were on a roll there.. .lol but everythin you said was true lol It's great to be single and yeah relationships have there pluses but i'd way rather be single then be treated like shit.. but of course if you find someone that treats you the right way it's all good.. lol so whats new with kaitlan lol havent talked to u in forever

jannafaye said...

i agree with needing to be single and happy before entering a relationship. after dean and i broke up i was SO CONTENT to be single, for like a year and a bit! and then i met terrell, and it all feel together so well because we both knew who we were and we both were happy with ourselves, and so it works. now i hope to never be single again, and i am also happy about! so there's my $.02.