Monday, September 11, 2006


So these are some of the people I have met so far, I've been kinda lazy in the making new friends department so most of them are Alyssa's friends whom I've acquired lol :D So first off I gotta introduce you to Jay. He's the reason I have internet at the moment and therefore am still sane lol. You see I like to play around with settings which is silly cause I really don't know what I'm doing. So I some how managed to bugger up my internet. The Jay came to the rescue and fixed it for me!! Hooray! So what can I tell you about Jay well he's from virden and he's pretty smart in the tech department. He also has a nice truck with a bizzar sound system ( Note to self don't sit in the back seat in the far left corner, trust me) he also has a nice tv so I've watched a couple of movies down in his room on his very small bed but it works. The other night we watched Euro Trip which makes me think of "Scotty doesn't know", Funny song, but that leads me to the next person Scott.
<--Scott wins for the smallest room, but I guess he's by himself so thats otay. Also from virden, he seems like a pretty smart kido, taking engineering I think but I know he's taking Calculus which to me is another name for hell in textbook form!! He also has a sweet car, but it needs a paint job. ( Which I totally made a dink of myself cause when I first saw it I didn't know it was his and I was like sweet car, but it needs a paint job, ya way to go sticking my ginormous feet in my mouth lol) He also pretty cool cause hes the only one who doesn't constantly make fun of my favorite sport of all time BASKETBALL!! Which I am like completely deprived of right now. The only other person who doesn't hate basketball is Darren, who I don't think loves basketball by any means, I just don't think he hates it lol. ( I don't know if anyone else notices but I am freaking amazing at le-ways (that is completely spelt wrong) lol) Darren-->
is one of the only people I know thats not from Virden ( well maybe thats a bit of an exaggeration but anywho..) He's from some place that starts with a D that I can not remember but its inbetween here and thunderbay. He's really good an video games and hes in agro buiness I think. He let me play with his tetris game too which at first was lots of fun but then I quickly remembered how repetative it gets. But it was fun while it lasted lol. I totally actually was the one to first be friends with him too, I didn't just borrow him form alyssa lol but the story is kinda long, repetative and not very interesting so I'll just move on to Corey ( te he that was not a leway but if it was it'd be a very funny one). Corey is also from virden, ( Corey, Jay and Scott all are friends kinds like the three musketters or if your from shoal lake the three musky steers lol) This is turning into a very long blog and its almost supper time so I'll try to finish quick! Corey is also in engineering I think and has a thing against basketball ( I personally think its cause he's short but thats just my opinion lol) And ya thats pretty much all the pictures I have of people so far, Yes i realise they're all guys but they're the only people who have been in our room, and Yes i realise how bad that sounds so stop being such perverts and realise that guys smell so their rooms become smelly and then they go hang out in other peoples rooms and I personally am a bit of a tomboy so my room is also a little smelly ( just a little lol) so I prefer to hang out in other more girlie girls rooms that smell much better!!! SO if my camera stays in my room how am I going to get pictures of anyone but boys alyssa and myself?? Answer me that!! well I think I'm going to go eat now cause I've completely forgotten the point of my rant lol talk to you guys later hope your having a blast without me lol toodles...


B-Rad said...

Awesome! Your friends sound cool. Possibly because they're in engineering. Anyways get in lots of trouble. I should go do something productive now like home work or cleaning my room or organizing something for something.

B-Rad said...

Oh oh oh I heard The Trews were on their way to Winnipeg later in the year for a concert but I can't find the info :( now I'm sad.