Sunday, October 26, 2008

pressin on pressin on...

hey chicka so thought i should fill u in on my life since i havent written for a while....
BOYS: i've decieded that I can't have a boy and stay focused on school so although i wouldnt push a boy away im really not looking or putting effort into finding one either...this said i still have moments of o wouldnt it be nice to have someone to cuddle with but ya whatever SCHOOL FIRST!!
ME: so i sorta need a gym buddy to keep me responsible u know what i mean cause lately i just eat eat eat and i've always believed that someone who wants to lose weight just has to say im going to go to the gym and eat less but lately i've just ate ate ate and started a protest against gym going so i need u to keep me responsible...i feel so out of control right now where as when i was going to the gym early every morning i just felt better about myself ....and therefor better about life and whatnot......i just feel like a tired blob not saying im fat ( although that is how i feel) im just saying i want to get in control please be my gym buddy and give me a hard time about eating right and going to the gym please!!!
other then that im boring and feel like a failure at school....see ur not the only one who feels that ways sometimes, u just have to realize and i do that sometimes u get down, i find it happens the most in fall cause there is less sun and what not so yes just "pressin on pressin on, cause I'm done with that, I wont take this anymore......."lol yes yes
had soup for dinner today and it was possibly the best meal i've had in a long time ...but back to studying might write more laters...night

Monday, October 06, 2008

time for a change

SO (i like how i start the majority of these with SO lol) ever since i got to rez this year( realistically since i moved to rez my first year lol) I have felt for lack of better words fat. And the fact that the first two weeks we were here we ate little more then pizza did not help, and since then it has just been getting worse daily. I just watched this video on face book of a friends friend who weighted 270 pounds and decided it was time for him to lose some weight and he did this eight week challenge where he worked out hard was really impressive, i think he ended up losing 30 pounds in eight weeks which is super intense. I dont wan to be that extreme but i want to weigh 135 ( unrealistically i would not complain at 130, but trying to be realistic 135 is ideal), i havent weighed myself in about two weeks but i think i am in the 145-150 range.
Biggest reasons for current weight gain are pretty obvious eating crummy food to the extreme and not going to the gym. SO after watching this guy video journal his challenge im going to attempt to blog my challenge which isnt very extreme at all but ill try it the moment i cant fully commit cause i just dont have time, which i realize is an excuse but i just don't so im going to focus on better eating for the first while.....i did really well yesterday but not so great today.... Here i go-goal for tomorrow, hmmm..... start candy, which seems like not a big deal but i have the worst sweet tooth ever so here goes nothing....starting my week challenge which if i can do that ill move on to smaller better things hehe

Monday, September 29, 2008

studying.....dos and donts

k so here is what works for me obviously it may not work for u but here it goes anyways....
Figure out when u calm down, i personally calm down at night and my first year i practically would get nothing done till after 10:30, i would sit around all day trying to study but would only become efficient between the hours of 10:30 and 3am......although lately i have kinda trained myself to be more effective, I go to class from 9:30-12, and then sometimes have lunch if im hungry, but either way i dont go back to my room if i can avoid it, i even try to avoid lunch and prefer to pick up a to go bag cause after i sit with people or go to my room i am completely out of study i go straight from class to a study area, like today i went to the green house cafe and sat in a corner by myself with a coffee and just gaver...and read 30 pages in two hours which isnt that fast but people kept texting me so im pretty happy with that.
TURN YOUR CELLPHONE ON SILENT OR OFF.....i know it seems like u can concentrate and text at the same time, u can't so give it up lol if u have to have it on then turn it on silent and leave it on the desk but if i were u i would just leave it on silent in ur bag where u cant see it and check it later,....realistically there is never going to be a huge crisis u need to respond to on the other hand their might so i just leave it on silent on the table...this goes for class too....i know u think u absorb it just by being in class again nice try.....If u've hauled yourself out of bed to go to class then BE IN CLASS, turn off ur phone , focus on ur prof it will safe u time later when u dont have to read the book cause u werent listening in class
so ya i like to study from (my classes end 12:30 ish) to four or five depending on attention span.....then take an hour to do something with out ur mind...facebook if u have to just relax for a bit ( sometimes u dont get this privilage but while its not CRAM CRAM time take the hour to destress and absorb what u've studied) then have supper with friends, also helps to destress ( ps DO NOT THINK WOW I'VE STUDIED LOTS THEREFOR I WILL REWARD MYSELF WITH PIZZA AND CHOCOLATE classic mistake just dont lol, if u need to reward urself then reward ur self with more relaxing time)
Then i go to another place to study, i try to change it up subject if i can, but not always possible , but definatly location , cant really explain it just helps reboot
Water is also really helpful!....Snacks are hit and miss for me i mean i love snacks but i eat them just cause they are there not cause im hungry so i tend to stay away from them when possible....but speaking of supper i have to go with fiona now so i will finish this after...laters

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


So here i am its 1:27 in the morning and i have an exam at 9 tomorrow morning which reminds me of why i even came online which was to find out where it is....whish is in the university center is says cool cool but now that its officially 2 am i am going to go to bed and dream about geography so night all hopefully will finish this tomorrow!

Friday, April 13, 2007

You asked for it..

So the anonymous blogger gods seem to be unhappy with me and have yellled at me commanding a new here is the newest issue of the sad existance of a girl with big feet called kaitlan. So what I should be doing right now is studying for my history exam tomorrow but instead im here writing about randomness which in its self is rather ironis since I've had four days to study for this exam and have yet to spend a full day of hardcore studying...why am i so good at procrastinating so really this is just another form of avoidance.
whats new with me, well i cut my hair..i now have bangs....pretty exciting I know. What else, well i've kinda met a guy....funny story...completely and utterly random which makes it even better. But i dont really feel like writing it all down at this very moment so maybe another time. So what can i tell u about this boy well he seems like this amazing gentlemen type figure but at the same time i have doubts that maybe its all a façade that he might actually be this big player....why do i trust no one..especially boys. So why do i think this well i originally thought he was this super nice guy cause we hung out an entire night and he didnt try to put any moves on me which may sound big headed but believe me its not..sorry brad but all guys tend to think and try for anything they can get. So since then we have talked alot! Like we start talking at 4-8 i go to the gym then from like 10-3 in the morning its retarded. Sara and Alyssa make fun of me constantly for it. But just the stuff we've talked about makes me a little nervous but at the same time the fact that he has told me the stuff and not tried to hide it seems like a good sign i would think that if he was just trying to play me and get some or whatever why would he tell me all that stuff and really alot of it does not exactly show him in a good light...another thing is that for the most part its been completely honest which is weird i mean usually when your getting to know someone at the start u kinda say what they want to hear you know what i mean or atleast i do. I dont mean that i lie i just mean that at the start im not super super strongly opinionated that comes later but ive pretty much told him exactly what ive thought about everything hes told me and he has yet to be like well ur a stuck up B**** or anything like that ( i mean its not that anyguy has ever said that to me but i've been pretty open with how I feel about some of the stuff hes done) I realize that the way i've been talking about him makes him sound like a less the reputable guy but thats cause im obviously not going to complain or wonder about the good stuff. So ya so were doing something on saturday and we'll see how it all works out.
There is this other sorta guy to that sara was trying to set me up with that I also kinda like. When we hang out hes alot of the same time i havent really ever just talked to him which is likely good cause if i talked to him as much as the other i would get absolutely NO work done lol. Ya i dont know what else to really say about that. But ya i really do need to get atleast some studying done and i really dont know what else to say. I don't know why i dont trust any guys i just dont and i likely never will sorry to all u guys ive just seen to many jerkwads treating my friends horribly but ya see how things to u all laters almost time to come home YA! laters

Monday, February 19, 2007

o Oprah........

Until now oprah has never failed me but sadly as of friday, Feb. 16 I can no longer believe that whatever Oprah says goes lol. K so they were talking about this plan that all u have to do to have everything you want is to decide what you WANT not what u dont want and take steps towards it which i personally think is silly. I mean really how many people are there out there that say all day long all i want to be is skinny and yet they aren't and just silly stuff like that i would just like to say i am very dissapointed lol....but anyways havent written in a while so i thought i would try to update it. in other news i got an A+ on my geography exam moo haha ( ok so i got an 86% which would usually only be an A but for some sweet reason in this class its an A+ so im just happy about that!) umm other than that i cant think of too much stuff thats new except that their was youth group curling on saturday and NO ONE TOLD ME jerks jj(well sorta just kidding) i love youth group curling so whatever for not telling me.....ummm other than that o ya new game for you guys out there if i was to say the name justin who would you think of and they have to be someone i would personally know....not justin menzies either cause i dont know him....yep thats about it ttyl

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Domo arigato Mr. Roboto

K soooooo guess whos going to japan........drumroll......................ME!!! thats right in July I am hopping on a plane and going to japan for two weeks!!!!! Am i excited?hmmm well when my dad called to tell me i may have done a happy dance and when i told cameron the me and him are going to Japan we may have jumped up and down a little bit lol. Yeppers!! Im not sure what to talk about now, after talking about japan nothing else seems as exciting. Theres a cute boy in my history class, i think that history class is where i find all the cute guys, no do i talk to them? nope, do i talk to them? nope. so is there a point to seeing these pretty boys umm likely not, maybe one day ill talk to one of them. I doubt it though. hmmm i did have stuff to talk about but know its all run away so i have nothing to talk about. Im pretty excited about my bday coming up, but im also super scared, i mean im turning 19 thats old and ive done nothing, well it feels that way anyways and then after that ill be twenty!!!! thats insane to me. OOOO i remember what i was going to talk about lol on saturday after my japanese interview i went with leanna and erin to houstans, and i met the best dancer EVER! like not only could he two step and like really two step and he kept spinning me which was so much fun, he could also dance dance which was even more fun and i mean this wasnt just the lamo hand on ur hips this was real actual guy dancing lol. So ya i had alot of fun lol. I also ran into some people i hadnt seen in forever, like Johnny and travis but i feel bad about travis cause i thought he was jimmy and ya made a fool of myself but thats ok its been done before. So did i get the name and email of the amazing im not cool like that but i think his name might have been ross maybe lol i dont know at the end he was like ill see u around and i was thinking ya unfortunatly likely not but ya o well if i ever did see him agian i would most definatly get his email he was a really nice guy but anywho thats all i really got for tonight and i should really be studying cause at 7 is beauty and the geek the best show ever and then i will likely go to the gym with kyle so ya check you guys later!