Friday, April 13, 2007

You asked for it..

So the anonymous blogger gods seem to be unhappy with me and have yellled at me commanding a new here is the newest issue of the sad existance of a girl with big feet called kaitlan. So what I should be doing right now is studying for my history exam tomorrow but instead im here writing about randomness which in its self is rather ironis since I've had four days to study for this exam and have yet to spend a full day of hardcore studying...why am i so good at procrastinating so really this is just another form of avoidance.
whats new with me, well i cut my hair..i now have bangs....pretty exciting I know. What else, well i've kinda met a guy....funny story...completely and utterly random which makes it even better. But i dont really feel like writing it all down at this very moment so maybe another time. So what can i tell u about this boy well he seems like this amazing gentlemen type figure but at the same time i have doubts that maybe its all a façade that he might actually be this big player....why do i trust no one..especially boys. So why do i think this well i originally thought he was this super nice guy cause we hung out an entire night and he didnt try to put any moves on me which may sound big headed but believe me its not..sorry brad but all guys tend to think and try for anything they can get. So since then we have talked alot! Like we start talking at 4-8 i go to the gym then from like 10-3 in the morning its retarded. Sara and Alyssa make fun of me constantly for it. But just the stuff we've talked about makes me a little nervous but at the same time the fact that he has told me the stuff and not tried to hide it seems like a good sign i would think that if he was just trying to play me and get some or whatever why would he tell me all that stuff and really alot of it does not exactly show him in a good light...another thing is that for the most part its been completely honest which is weird i mean usually when your getting to know someone at the start u kinda say what they want to hear you know what i mean or atleast i do. I dont mean that i lie i just mean that at the start im not super super strongly opinionated that comes later but ive pretty much told him exactly what ive thought about everything hes told me and he has yet to be like well ur a stuck up B**** or anything like that ( i mean its not that anyguy has ever said that to me but i've been pretty open with how I feel about some of the stuff hes done) I realize that the way i've been talking about him makes him sound like a less the reputable guy but thats cause im obviously not going to complain or wonder about the good stuff. So ya so were doing something on saturday and we'll see how it all works out.
There is this other sorta guy to that sara was trying to set me up with that I also kinda like. When we hang out hes alot of the same time i havent really ever just talked to him which is likely good cause if i talked to him as much as the other i would get absolutely NO work done lol. Ya i dont know what else to really say about that. But ya i really do need to get atleast some studying done and i really dont know what else to say. I don't know why i dont trust any guys i just dont and i likely never will sorry to all u guys ive just seen to many jerkwads treating my friends horribly but ya see how things to u all laters almost time to come home YA! laters


Anonymous said...

hey kaitlan, not talked in ages!!

Well that sounds complicated. He sounds like he can't be that bad of a guy, like what kind of guy is upfront and honest when all they want is a piece of tail or something along those lines lol. But I don't know him so ya lol, if you think he's worth it you should give it a try though!!

When do you go back home? I'm home on the 26th (late though my exam isn't done til 5 then I still have to drive 6 lonely hours home haha) Well I'm only back for the weekend then out to Watrous for a few days but we should catch up sometime. Hit up Houstan's or even just sandy lake whatever lol.

Anyways, good luck with finals! Laters.

Michele said...

lol the last anonymous one was Erica :P

B-Rad said...

He obviously isn't looking for tail if he's being honest. When a guy is being honest he's usually looking for a relationship unless of course he just got out of a relationshit (bad relationship) and is just being whiny and getting you to listen to him whine. Unless of course he's sorta slow then he could very well be looking for tail and not really thinking. That's my opinion on it all. Oh and as you know trust is a very big thing. With out some of it you're kinda fudged.

Anonymous said...

A girl with big feet..thats def you! made me giggle! What you doin for the summer? When you done exams?
Catcha later,