Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Domo arigato Mr. Roboto

K soooooo guess whos going to japan........drumroll......................ME!!! thats right in July I am hopping on a plane and going to japan for two weeks!!!!! Am i excited?hmmm well when my dad called to tell me i may have done a happy dance and when i told cameron the me and him are going to Japan we may have jumped up and down a little bit lol. Yeppers!! Im not sure what to talk about now, after talking about japan nothing else seems as exciting. Theres a cute boy in my history class, i think that history class is where i find all the cute guys, no do i talk to them? nope, do i talk to them? nope. so is there a point to seeing these pretty boys umm likely not, maybe one day ill talk to one of them. I doubt it though. hmmm i did have stuff to talk about but know its all run away so i have nothing to talk about. Im pretty excited about my bday coming up, but im also super scared, i mean im turning 19 thats old and ive done nothing, well it feels that way anyways and then after that ill be twenty!!!! thats insane to me. OOOO i remember what i was going to talk about lol on saturday after my japanese interview i went with leanna and erin to houstans, and i met the best dancer EVER! like not only could he two step and like really two step and he kept spinning me which was so much fun, he could also dance dance which was even more fun and i mean this wasnt just the lamo hand on ur hips this was real actual guy dancing lol. So ya i had alot of fun lol. I also ran into some people i hadnt seen in forever, like Johnny and travis but i feel bad about travis cause i thought he was jimmy and ya made a fool of myself but thats ok its been done before. So did i get the name and email of the amazing im not cool like that but i think his name might have been ross maybe lol i dont know at the end he was like ill see u around and i was thinking ya unfortunatly likely not but ya o well if i ever did see him agian i would most definatly get his email he was a really nice guy but anywho thats all i really got for tonight and i should really be studying cause at 7 is beauty and the geek the best show ever and then i will likely go to the gym with kyle so ya check you guys later!


B-Rad said...

That's awesome about the whole Japan trip. Oh and don't worry about being 20 and not accomplishing anything. Just listen to the song 38 Years Old by the Tragically Hip. That dude was 38 and he'd never kissed a girl. Talk about not accomplishing much lol!

Michele said...

lol it makes me laugh how you said "name and email" not "name and number" lol

Gill said...

you're going to JAPAN!? sweet!! lol, whatcha going there for?