Wednesday, November 29, 2006


So this is what i've noticed lately, not that i hadnt noticed before just a little more than usual that girls are obessed with not only boys but having a boyfriend. I know its not really a newsflash worthy statement but i have more. What i want to know is when did it become more important to have a boyfriend then to be respected. When did it become so painly uncool to be single that its became better to be with a guy, even if hes uses and abuses you, then to just be SINGLE!!!!
I understand the want to have a boyfriend, believe me, I've only been single since i was born pretty much lol. but is it really that bad to be a single??? I mean sure you see all your friends with their boyfriends and they're all cuddly and cute, which is desirable of course. And im not saying its bad to have a boyfriend either I just want to understand why its so amazingly horrible to be single.
I think everyone has to be single and happy before they can truely be with a guy. You need to figure out who you are and ur likes and dislikes before you can be a good girlfriend. Im not even so sure where im going with this anymore, just that im sick of seeing my friends get hurt by guys. Your all great girls and you need to learn to really respect your selves. STOP letting these boys play with your minds!! You all deserve the world and a prince who understands that and will treat you STOP putting up with these BOYS who treat you otherwise. No matter how bad you feel being single, orlike no one loves you or any of those other silly feelings, im sure you feel much cheaper, and more worthless when you allow yourself to be with someone not worthy of you, who treats you like crap and thinks only of them selves.
Im not telling u to be all uppity or that your better than everyone else, just that don't let those boys fool you that your not worthy and your lucky to be with them sorta thing.
Ya, i went away for supper and now my rant has ended and i dont know where to go with it anymore so stay cool, but not too cool, see you all soon.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Never got the chance....

It's really late right now but I was looking around at different pictures and I say this one and it really kinda explains how i feel right now. I dont really want to explain, its dumb anyways, really really really dumb and it more just a really cool picture of a rose that caught my attention.
That and I was looking at these pictures on face book and they have this thing called secrets and people put their secrets on their in pictures then explain them. It was like that thing that pastor at the tfk concert was talking about. Most of them were just silly but the other re-accuring theme was all these people saying this is person has been my friend for so many years and i love them and they have no idea, and it kills me when her talks about her sorta stuff. I was really kinda sad actually. Then there was one picture of this guy and then like with the picture was the a grave stone and underneath it it read, I knew this guy for 7 years, and loved him for 5. I always said that he would notice one day that i was the one for him, or i'd tell him how i felt tomorrow...He was died in a car accident, and he never had a clue that he was anything more than my friend. It was really sad, there was a bunch of other really sad ones to about people cutting themselves and other people talking about smiling so that the world wont see their tears.
Yep it was pretty depressing and I dont really know what to say about it, just that the one about the friend and the car accident was super super sad.
So now that I've depressed you all, Have a Spaztastic Weekend, dont do anything I wouldn't....

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Grandma, you were an oldschool PLAYA!!

You guys have all (well not all mostly just the lennox kiddos) been doing the three things i appreciate, so here is something i truely appreciate: My Great Aunt Mavis!!!
After my grandma's funeral, I got a ride back to Winnipeg with my grandmas sister, so i guess she would be my grea aunt (mavis) and her son (doug). I knew from before that she had met her husband at university in some german class, but as i've learned university classes are much different than high school classes. You may recognize people but u rarely know more that five maybe ten if ur very very lucky, example biology out of a class of about 250 i know a grand total of 1 person, although i recognize likely a good ten fifteen people, where as my english class, out of a total of about 50 people i know 6 people and recognize about twenty others. Just a little insight for all u highschool kiddos. Then again maybe its just me and my shyness that causes this but im pretty sure thats how it is for everyone, unless you have a lab which is a different situation, which i have yet to experience lol.
Back to the point so we were sitting in the car and i was like "Mavis I know you and cliff (her late husband) met in your german class in university, but i mean how did you guys met?" and she told me about how she kept getting these notes from someone in her class and she didnt know who. That she didnt even really know of cliff until one day when he walked into class with a massive black eye, but she still didnt really know who he was, she just recognized him, and he sat a couple rows behind her. Then one day the note said something to the effect of 'i sit two rows behind you and i was wondering if you would like to go to coffee with me' but that she was actually going out with someone at the time, but that they got together later after the guy dropped her. She went on to tell me a bunch of other stuff about their relationship too. But i think thats sooo cute, and pretty romantic lol I've known my aunt Mavis my entire life but never really looked into her life with detail.
She then told me about my grandparents, how my grandpa was likely the best dancer in strathclair ( anyone who knows my grandpa, is likely like i was at the time, WILF COULD DANCE?!?!) but ya and that mavis loved getting to dance with him, but that at the time my grandma was going pretty steady with some guy that no one in our family liked, but that my grandma lee as usual was going out with numerous people one of them being my grandpa. In fact Mavis said that on the day that my grandma Monty called Mavis to tell her that she was getting married that Mavis was like NOOO Monty, you cant get married to him, then my grandma was like "arent you even going to ask who I'm getting married to?" ( I'd just like to say I think thats really funny that you who have to ask who are you getting married to, lol i mean really how many people have you had to ask who when they tell you they are engaged??) which is when Mavis found out that she was getting married to my grandpa wilf. This is likely where i told my aunt that her and my grandma were totally old school players!! lol

So today I have a challange in my blog, that everyone should go home and ask there grandparents how they met, and i dont just mean the basic story i mean the real, gorry detailed story. This is not only because they are actually super interesting but also cause our grandparents are unfortunatly unrenewable resources, and you'll regret it if you dont. I dont mean to be a downer, just saying my mind here. Well ill catch you on the flip side, laterz

Monday, November 06, 2006

have i ever mentioned how impatient i am..

So ( have u noticed how i start like every blog with so lol) before i forget i am completely in love with John Legend, especially ordinary people (the piano is awesome) and tossing and turning, Great songs for chillin lol. Some of his songs are a little odd but i like almost all of them!!
If u guys are getting sick of me talking about my stupid boy situations then plz tell me to shut my pie hole. seriously! lol
So with the first one, lets call him Peter for the fun of it cause otherwise this could get confusing lol and the player, the second one is going o be called Issac lol.
Well theres not much to tell u about petet, except i've decided not to make a move because I know he knows i like him ( thats funny and reminds me of Friends when there were all trying not to let the other people know that they knew then knew that they knew, ect lol). with this in mind i think that if he knows then its not only his duty, but also if he hasnt made a move then its him saying he doesnt like me or hes super shy, either way he needs to step up. Also i dont want to be like a crazy stalked or push him too much you know, maybe hes just doesnt know, so no matter the case im going to just keep being me and go with the flow.
Secondly, issac, o issac this one makes me want to shoot my self in the face!!! Ill start with the funniness, the other night we all went to country night at wise guys (except for alyssa she had an in class essay the next day =( ) and so me and Issac were dancing and my everyone else was sitting drinking and jay was like if those two dont hook up soon im going to put date rap in both their drinks lol ( k just make sure its clear, he wasnt serious its a joke tehe funniness).
Then the next day sara was talking to issac and some how i came into the convo and he she asked what was going on between us. He said that "he obviously liked me, cause if he was just in it for a hook up then he would have gotten bored a long time ago and moved on," so that's interesting enough but then the next day he asked her if he should go after me or this other girl, that " this other girl is hot and would do things a lot faster than Kaitlan would, (aka: shes easy), but Kaitlan is Kaitlan" WHAT!?!? what does that mean??"But Kaitlan is Kaitlan"??
Again any advice, comments, or interprecations are very welcome lol
sorry it tool so long to update this thinger but ya here it is, i dont really know what else to say. well i could spew somemore but im not sure who it would help lol ttyl