Monday, February 19, 2007

o Oprah........

Until now oprah has never failed me but sadly as of friday, Feb. 16 I can no longer believe that whatever Oprah says goes lol. K so they were talking about this plan that all u have to do to have everything you want is to decide what you WANT not what u dont want and take steps towards it which i personally think is silly. I mean really how many people are there out there that say all day long all i want to be is skinny and yet they aren't and just silly stuff like that i would just like to say i am very dissapointed lol....but anyways havent written in a while so i thought i would try to update it. in other news i got an A+ on my geography exam moo haha ( ok so i got an 86% which would usually only be an A but for some sweet reason in this class its an A+ so im just happy about that!) umm other than that i cant think of too much stuff thats new except that their was youth group curling on saturday and NO ONE TOLD ME jerks jj(well sorta just kidding) i love youth group curling so whatever for not telling me.....ummm other than that o ya new game for you guys out there if i was to say the name justin who would you think of and they have to be someone i would personally know....not justin menzies either cause i dont know him....yep thats about it ttyl